FOD (Full Of Desire) is a Vienna-based lingerie label that dares to challenge the old-school definitions of gender and sexuality, using the transformative power of lingerie to do so.

The journey behind FOD didn’t exactly begin with a business plan. It started with a breakup. You know the kind that forces you to face yourself in a way you never expected. Therapy followed, and during one of those sessions, I found myself asking the big question: Am I really being true to myself, or am I just wearing a mask to fit into society’s expectations?
That’s when it hit me. I’d spent so much time trying to fit into the mold of the 'acceptable' gay guy, suppressing the parts of myself that didn’t conform, out of fear of being unloved. As I began to embrace my femininity, I started experimenting with women’s clothes and realized something was missing, there were no lingerie options that spoke to my sense of sophistication and femininity. It was either plain boxers or your typical Calvin Klein. Where was the beauty? The elegance?
That’s when I knew. If it wasn’t out there, I had to create it.
I told Henrique my story, and just like that, Full Of Desire came to life. What started as a personal journey has evolved into something bigger, and along the way, we’ve had the incredible talents of Mariana Torrijos and Maximilian Fisher join our team. 
What obstacles did you face when launching FOD in Austria?

Looking back on our first year, I can only describe it as a wild, unpredictable rollercoaster. Starting a business is one thing, but doing it as immigrants in Austria without knowing the language? That was like setting off on an adventure without a map. Navigating Austria’s business regulations felt like learning to dance with two left feet—awkward and often a little painful. And just when we were finding our rhythm, Instagram decided to block our ads and silence our posts. Turns out, not everyone’s ready for the conversations we’re sparking. It was a tough reminder that pushing boundaries comes with resistance. But we never expected smooth sailing. We knew we were challenging years of deeply rooted norms. And while the road has been anything but straight, one thing became crystal clear: people are craving change.

How can genderless lingerie help people express and empower themselves?

When I tried on my very first samples of lingerie, something inside me shifted. It wasn’t just about power or sexiness, it was an undeniable surge of confidence. For the first time, I felt like I could walk into any bar and captivate the room, not because of how I looked, but because of how I felt. Lingerie has this incredible way of transforming how we see ourselves and how we feel about our bodies. It’s like wearing a secret layer of confidence, one only you know about, but it changes everything. That’s exactly the feeling I want to share with others, especially those whose bodies aren’t always celebrated, who haven’t always felt seen or heard. Everyone deserves to experience that rush of empowerment, just like I did. And that’s why Full of Desire exists to make sure no one has to wait for that feeling.